Let the Fun Begin!
Shalom everyone! I hope everyone had an easy fast.
Now that the two biggies Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are over it’s time to have fun. This Shabbat is the first day of Sukkot. We will have to wait until the first day of Chol H’Moed to wave the Luluv and Etrog.
On Moetzi Yom Kippur my husband and son put up the frame for our succah. It’s a tradition that after asking Hashem for forgiveness all day on Yom Kippur, that we start off on the right foot with a mitzvah of at least starting to put up the succah.
In our neighborhood and I’m sure in yours too, we could hear banging until very late at night.
Sukkot is very different in Israel than where I come from in Montreal, actually Chomedey, a suburb of Montreal. I can remember more than one Sukkot, my brother and I eating in the succah with snow gently falling all around us.
Boy was it cold! But we had a succah and we couldn’t let the fun and mitzvah of eating in the succah go to waste because of a little snow. The steam from the hot chicken soup would curl up to the roof. My father a”h would make kiddish in the succah and he and my mother a”h would then eat their Yom Tov meal in the house. One year, after I was married, it snowed on Sukkot and my husband joined my parents in the house. All I can say was that he was too ‘chicken’ to eat in the succah. I know of people who put heaters into their succah.
My parents would hang lollypops in between the decorations and on Chol H’Moed invite the neighborhood children to come and find a lollypop. Every kid on our street would come.
I have some great stories of my parent’s succah. Like the time when my parents who lived on a ground floor duplex and came home one day to find their Greek neighbor drawing a pattern for windows on the outside of the succah. He wanted to do a ‘mitzvah’ for them by cutting out windows to give extra light.
The succah is supposed to remind us of B’nei Yisrael who lived in ‘succah huts’ during the 40 years of wandering in the desert. Many people today live, eat and sleep in their succah.
Now in Israel it is easy to camp out in a succah. The weather is genually nice [we don’t usually get the rain until after Sukkot] but in Canada, the wind is already blowing cold air. It could be raining or snowing.
I remember one year in Hamilton, there was a terrible wind storm at night and in the morning everyone found their succah in shambles all over the place. Camping out in a temporary built succah shaking from the wind is no picnic.
So why do people do it? The answer is simple. Sukkot is a seven day [eight days in the diaspora] holiday of joy, where we express our complete trust in G-d. So what’s a little wind............
Since the succah is our temporary home for a week, it is fun to decorate and personalize our home.
In our family, decorating is my job and pleasure. Every year, I try to out do my decorating creations from the year before. Sometimes it’s fun not to grow up..........
Here are some pictures of our succah.

Wishing everyone Chag Sukkot Sameach!
It has become ‘fashionable’ in some circles to organize a boycott of Israeli products, universities & professors, team players etc. I would like to tell you about a group who is fighting back. Buycott Israel is a joint project under the coordination of the Canada-Israel Committee.
Their link is: http://www.buycottisrael.ca/about.php
This is their symbol.
I have written two previous blogs about being diagnosed and living with diabetes [see archives]. About a month ago, I started writing a blog about my diabetes for a health site called Everyday Health.
This site has a daily newsletter called Managing Diabetes. If you are interested in seeing my blogs, they can be found at:
This site has a daily newsletter called Managing Diabetes. If you are interested in seeing my blogs, they can be found at:
Saba Avraham and I would now like to brag and we are shepping nachas. Our 8 year old granddaughter Adi submitted a picture she drew to the Makor Rishon newspaper, and it was published in their last Shabbat’s edition....So to our published artist Adi....Kol HaKavod!
original picture
published picture
Until the next blog........
Please feel free to comment and pass my blog around.
Please feel free to comment and pass my blog around.
That's cool; I didn't know about CIC's buycott initiative! I'm going to spread the joy ;) Thanks for posting that. Your succah looks lovely; enjoy! I also just posted about building our succah - from a slightly different perspective :) Chag sameach!
ReplyDeleteOn Colorado's Front Range today we are having 40 mph winds and our first frost warning! There is fresh snow in the mountains.
Yes, I have empathy for your Canadian sukkahs!
I have a wonderful deck over a 3 car garage, with the greatest views of the Rocky Mountains, sunrises, sunsets, stars, moon. G-d willing, weather will cooperate with my sukkah! I will hunt up my red shoes to click together just in case I get blown to Kansas or Canada! :-)
Chag Sukkot Sameach
Kris Ayalla
Thanks for sharing your lovely sukkah, your nachas, and your memories of your dear parents. I love the lollipop idea; but my guys would inadvertently take down the sukkah in their ravenous hunt for the sweets. (I'll tell you sometime about our Pesach table experiences, when guests would hide plastic animals on or about their persons...)
ReplyDeleteAs always, I enjoyed reading your blog. Your sukkah looks great! Mazal Tov on your budding artist granddaughter's accomplishment as well. May you always have nachas from all of your children and grandchildren (and G-d willing, great-grandchildren, one day)