Posting a blog was not on my agenda for today. As I was cooking for Shabbat and thinking about the chagim, I felt I had to put 'pen to paper' so to speak and post.
As we have done the past four years since moving to Ma’agalim, we davened [prayed] for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur at the Chabad house on our Yishuv.
Rav Lior Malka and his Rebbetzin Denise are warm and caring people, who have lived in Ma’agalim for many years.
For Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur they open their home and organize an Ashkenazi minyan. Their hospitality makes you feel very welcomed.
The two Batei Knissiot [synagogues] in Ma’agalim both have a Sephardic minyan.
I have always loved the chagim but this year Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur proved to be even more meaningful to me. Many times I was deep in thought. The tefillah [prayers] took on so much meaning, especially Unetaneh Tokef.
On Rosh Hashanah it is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed.
How many will pass and how many will be created?
Who will live and who will die?
Who in their time, and who not their time?
Who by fire and who by water?
Who by sword and who by beast?
Who by hunger and who by thirst?
Who by earthquake and who by drowning?
Who by strangling and who by stoning?
Who will rest and who will wander?
Who will be safe and who will be torn?
Who will be calm and who will be tormented?
Who will become poor and who will get rich?
Who will be made humble and who will be raised up?
But teshuvah [repentance] and tefillah [prayer] and tzedakah [charity] avert the severity of the decree.
This moving tefilliah, brought tears down my cheeks. Erev Pesach, after my serious heart attack the doctor told me he wasn’t sure I would recover. I almost died that day. My doctors were Hashem’s messengers and Hashem healed me and gave me Bracha of life. I will be forever grateful.
I found this moving rendition sung by a Chabad chazzan. At the end he explains in English the meaning and how this prayer became such an important part of the davening. Unetane Tokef
We take life for granted. We get up in the morning, go about our business, whether to school, work and or just loafing around and not give it a second thought. At the end of the day we go to sleep and next morning, start the cycle again.
But when serious illness strikes and life becomes upside down, we see things differently. Things we have taken for granted, we realize only happen because of The Hand of Hashem.
May this new year 5776, be a year filled with good health and all who are sick be cured.
We now are getting ready for the next [holiday] Sukkot. Seven days of joy ending with Simchat Torah [receiving the Torah]. We will shake the *lulov and *etrog, eat in our *succah and share happy times with family and friends.
Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!
Shana Tovah.
That’s all for now. Feel free to comment and share.
Lulav and Etrog